An Idea Based on Experience

The LITERACYcentral Project is the brainchild of Gayla Wiggins, an experienced educational consultant who works with school districts and education service centers in curriculum development, instruction, and English language arts and reading. She has served as:
Literacy Innovator and Developer at lead4ward
Statewide Curriculum Coordinator
Regional Consultant
District Curriculum Director
District Special Education Director
Campus Principal
District Dyslexia Coordinator
Campus Reading Specialist
Special Education Teacher
General Education Teacher
Gayla's commitment to developing quality, aligned curriculum; meaningful assessment; and authentic, relevant, and responsive instruction has earned her widespread recognition.
After forty years of literacy work as a teacher, campus, district, regional, state leader, and consultant, Gayla and lead4ward have formed a partnership to provide an aligned, sequenced, scaffolded, and simple approach to the teaching and learning of literacy.
Through LITERACYcentral Project, educators will have the resources to simplify literacy planning and implementation, and students will receive rigorous and engaging instruction.